Tyler Minard

Tyler is an experienced polyglot software engineer and engineering leader and Greenville native. Starting as an intern at age 17 for BigBlueHat, Tyler’s unconventional career has spanned across many industries and technical roles, including roles at Braintree in Chicago (postgres scaling), Senior Staff at PayPal (big data analytics at scale) and Venmo (crypto and enterprise architecture).

More recently, Tyler worked with music startup Sound.xyz to deal with challenging team and platform scaling issues. He now runs his own software consultancy with a focus on helping growing startups all over the globe mature and rise to meet tough critical technical challenges with energy and success.

Tyler became a mentor because he understands the difference a key mentor can make, and enjoys the process of helping others find success in software engineering.

In his free time, Tyler enjoys spending time with his family, getting lost at Paris Mountain, or hanging out at Cameroon in Greer.


Graham Paasch